Craigside Hydro, any mention of it brings a bit of a dark shadow to my face. It reminds me of the day I came face to face with sudden death, not me but one of my schoolmates
On the other side of the main road there was a large building connected businesswise with the Hydro, used for indoor sports at one time and, I think, there were outside tennis courts. At the back of these buildings i.e. just above the cliff face going down to the beach, there was another small broken down, I think brick and/or stone, building.
I don't know much about the details, only what I heard in school. This lad, I've tried to remember his name but it wont come although I can picture him in my mind. He was messing around in this building and it collapsed down on top of him, killing him.
Again from school memories from around 1945, and not forgetting that he was not one of my friends, just another pupil I knew by sight, I was told he was buried in Llangwysterin churchyard Mike