Sedate your Pets
These companies come up with things all the time and their advertisements are a testement to consumer faddyness. I was bought up by my Nain and her idea of cleaning was hot soap and water the end. None of this one thing for this and another for that, lark. It became no longer acceptable to just clean the loo with Vim and a brush, it had to be with a rim block, then that was no good as it harboured germs, so the proder thing with gel replaced it, now germs apparently jump out of the loo! For someone with OCD the thought of this would be enough to make them run for the Dettol bath.
Now there's ads promoting a product for sedating your pet before fire works night "My dog gets scared when he hears fire works....blah blah" No doggy doos Sherlock!! How would you feel sat quietly in your house chewing on your Bonio and suddenly your on Gazza Strip!! Here's my tip of the week people, save yourself the money and tie a scarf round your dogs head or turn up the tele.