Strawberry Moon over North Wales: What you need to know.
Today is the longest day of the year and the Strawberry Moon will be visible in the sky over North Wales tonight.
For the first time since 1967 the Strawberry Moon falls at the same time as the summer solstice.
The summer solstice takes place between June 20th- 22nd and means the day with the longest amount of sunshine?
Longest day of the year started when the sun rose at 4.45am this morning with the sun due to set at 10.34pm tonight.
The term 'Strawberry Moon' comes from Native Americans who coined the phrase to mark the beginning of the strawberry season.
Despite the name, the moon will not appear red or pink, it will be a bright full moon that creates a warm glow.
For the Strawberry Moon and the summer solstice to fall on the same day is a once in a life time occurrence, the rare event will not be happening again until 2062. ref DP