Author Topic: North Wales Community Alert  (Read 87110 times)

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Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2021, 09:51:42 am »
Are you someone who likes to shop on Facebook Marketplace?

Please be aware that fraudsters are setting up fake accounts to sell items that they don't even have to sell.

It is very easy for a scammer to create an account and add fake images on Marketplace.

If you want to buy an item on the Facebook Marketplace, you must have a Facebook profile. A legitimate buyer will have a robust profile, while a scam artist likely will have a skeletal profile created recently.

If the seller asks you to send a large deposit before you have even seen the item in person, the chances are you are being scammed.

Message Sent By
PCSO 3642 Chris Livesey
(North Wales Police, Community Safety PCSO, Central)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2021, 10:23:23 am »
Lottery Scams are at their highest levels since November 2019. Victims are contacted by phone or via messages on social media, notifying them that they are on a ‘winners list’ or have won a lottery prize. They are told that fees are required to obtain winnings, or the victims are asked to purchase vouches (e.g., Amazon/Google Play gift cards). This is a scam! Don’t fall for it!!

Please make sure that your family, friends and neighbours are aware of this scam. #Helpingeachother

Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2021, 10:11:29 am »
Please be aware that we have received reports of cold callers in the area.  Please be mindful if answering the door to strangers that their intentions may not always be legitimate.

Message Sent By
PS 1620 Sue Carrington
(North Wales Police, Sergeant - Community Safety,

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2021, 10:08:43 am »
It’s great to be back in schools and delivering classes to our children and young people. It’s not just about the Law and Policing, but about helping our young people be good citizens, and keeping them safe. I did promise recently, that I would blog about what I teach in your schools, so you as parents, guardians, families and the community can see what we as School Community Police Officers are all about.

This week, I have been in High Schools, teaching older students about safer relationships and consent. This class teaches young people to understand what is meant by consent and exploring the concept and the consequences of not respecting consent.  It also helps young people to be assertive and resist unwanted peer pressure and other influences, and to have a responsible attitude toward personal relationships. It teaches about the importance of sexual health and the risks involved in sexual activity including potential exploitation, and we also help advise how to access health advice and personal support. The issue of peer-on-peer abuse has been highlighted recently and classes like this will help educate our young people and our citizens of tomorrow to be respectful of each other and develop and maintain good, healthy relationships.

I have also been in primary schools, teaching our younger learners about the emergency services, teaching them all about 999 and to explore the differences between what is and emergency and what isn’t. It’s a great class as it teaches young children to understand the police and other services who can help in an emergency and who can help in what situation.

I have also delivered classes around the issue of Anti-Social behaviour, where pupils have learned about what kinds of behaviour constitutes ASB, how it impacts on our communities, and the consequences of such behaviour if people continue to act anti-socially.

It’s not all delivering classes though, and we SCPOs also deal with police related criminal matters in school, from assaults and bullying, to damage and abuse, sometimes with our colleagues from Local Policing but always involving the schools themselves.  I have already had to deal with matters in relation to students and social media sites this week, so I helped provide advice and information relating to the offences that have occurred, and how the students involved can avoid such a situation in future. We, as SCPOs, try to help young people stay OUT of the criminal Justice system, if we can.

I hope you find this post useful and can see the kind of work we do with the schools to help provide positive influences on our young people.

Remember for more information, you can always visit the [] website.

Message Sent By
PC 2458 Manus Sheridan
North Wales Police, School Community Police Officer

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2021, 10:23:00 am »
1 ....Action Fraud have received numerous reports about fake emails purporting to be from Amazon. The email claims to offer an exclusive reward if the recipient completes an online survey but it is a phishing email designed to steal login, personal and financial information.

2....We've received several reports of Facebook accounts being hacked resulting in the victim’s hacked profile sending messages to all their Facebook friends asking to borrow money and for funds to be sent to a bank account.

If you receive any such messages please contact your friend off Facebook to check that it is in fact them who has sent the message before sending any funds. It is very likely to be a scam!!

Please share this information with all of your friends. You could be saving them a lot of money. #Helpingeachother #NWPCyberSafe

Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2021, 09:48:29 am »
If you think you have what it takes to BE the difference YOU want to see in North Wales Police head to our website and complete an Expression of Interest Form so we can keep you informed of opportunities and available support

Citizens in Policing | North Wales Police


Message Sent By
Chris Perkins
(North Wales Police, Citizens in Policing Team Leader, Citizens in Policing Team, North Wales)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2021, 10:10:08 am »
Another update, about what I have been doing in our communities’ schools this week.

I have been to High School Students, delivering classes around the subject of Hate Crimes, looking at prejudice and discrimination, hate crimes and hate incidents and the laws around such offences. We also look at victims, and how they can be supported by the Police and other agencies and encouraging our young people to help make our communities safer and welcoming.

I have also been teaching our older students about domestic abuse, how to recognise it, and that it doesn’t just happen in intimate relationships, but how domestic abuse can also take place in family units. We looked at different types of domestic abuse, how it’s NEVER the victim’s fault, and how victims can obtain help and support. This is a valuable lesson, as our older students begin to embark on their own relationships.

Another lesson I have delivered this week centred on Bullying, which can be a problem in schools. We looked at how students can recognise different types of bullying, how to get help if they are being bullied, what offences they can be committing if they themselves are bullying, and how students can look out for each other and get help and support.

Younger students have been learning about how to keep safe around one of the most common things we all have at home: medicines.

I have also been looking at upcoming new materials that we School Community Police Officers will be delivering into schools in our areas, and there are some exciting things ahead, but all with the message of keeping our communities' children and young people safe.

Another issue that has raised it's head in our schools this week, is that of Cyberbullying. If you do have children or look after children, please do speak to them about Cyberbullying, check in with them to see if everything is OK and check their 'phones, consoles or devices to see if they are sending or receiving any abusive messages.  Let's protect our young people from online abuse.

Message Sent By
PC 2458 Manus Sheridan
North Wales Police, School Community Police Officer

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2021, 10:35:11 am »
Action Fraud have received numerous reports about fake emails purporting to be from PayPal. The emails state that the recipient’s PayPal account has been temporarily restricted. The links provided in the emails lead to genuine-looking phishing websites that are designed to steal PayPal login details as well as personal and financial information.

Please make sure that your family, friends and neighbours are aware of this scam. #Helpingeachother #NWPCyberSafe

Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2021, 11:42:47 am »
Are large proportion of Burglaries take place at the rear of the property. Restricting access to your back garden will greatly reduce your risk of being burgled.

A great way to do this is by attaching trellis to fences or walls. Or putting up a fence with trellis on the top.

Trellis is a great deterrent as it will brake if a burglar attempts to climb it, which will make a noise attracting attention.

Message Sent By
PCSO 3642 Chris Livesey
(North Wales Police, Community Safety PCSO, Central)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2021, 10:02:24 am »
Here is my update on what I have been doing in our communities’ schools this week. It’s only a short report this time!

Younger students have been learning about keeping safe online, how to keep personal information private, that sometimes people online may not be who they say they are, and about reporting to parents/carers if anyone wants to meet them in real life etc.  By giving this information and advice to our youngest children as they explore using the internet, we aim to prevent them coming to any harm. Remember, if you do have children or young people in your life, please take an interest in what they are doing online and make sure they are safe and OK.

Our older students have been learning about new psychoactive substances; what they are, and the laws surrounding them. Older students have also been learning about on-line grooming and the laws and risks around young people carrying weapons. I have also delivered more lessons on domestic abuse, that I detailed in last week’s report, and delivering assemblies. As our older student embark on their own relationships this advice and information helps them make positive choices and recognise behaviours that might make them uncomfortable or unsafe and how to get help. Peer Pressure is also a major factor in young people's life as they grow up so we provide help and information around this sort of coersion.

As well as delivering lessons, I have been spending time in our schools dealing with crime-related incidents involving students, and planning the year ahead with other schools in terms of lesson delivery. It’s been a busy week!

Message Sent By
PC 2458 Manus Sheridan
(North Wales Police, School Community Police Officer)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2021, 03:59:08 pm »
This morning members of Response Team 1 from Llandudno Police Station assisted by the local Neighbourhood Policing Team executed a search warrant under section 23 of the misuse of drugs act at an address on Parc Bodnant in Llandudno.

Although it may go unseen until such actions today but North Wales Police continue to work hard on the fight against drugs and the people that use and supply them to cause the most harm in our communities.

North Wales Police will not tolerate drug use and associated crime in our communities. if you have any information regarding drugs; supply or use please contact us through the normal channels, speak to your local PCSO or contact crime stoppers.   

Message Sent By
PC 3211 Gary Sinfield
(North Wales Police, NPT Constable, West Conwy)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2021, 10:06:29 am »
Community Neighbourhood Watch News Letter.

Fraud trends pg 2                                                    Hannah Ingram-Moore to help find Neighbour of the Year pg 3
New student initiative launched pg 4                         National Hate Crime Awareness Week pg 5
Better Health: Every Mind Matters pg 6                     Protecting digital freedom for all . pg 8


Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2021, 09:59:29 am »
As the lighter nights to come to an end, we are once again reminding residents to consider putting in place these simple tips to keep your house safe from opportunistic burglars:
Lock all doors and windows- even when at home.
Leave a light on- Signal someone is at home by keeping a light on, or use a timer if you won’t be in. Also consider installing outdoor lighting too.
Don’t advertise that you’re away on social media- this tells burglars that your house is empty.
Use visible deterrents and security- think visible cameras or even just a sticker to say that cameras are in operation.
Keep valuables out of sight and don’t leave packaging for expensive items outside your property either.

Message Sent By
Eurwen Williams
(North Wales Police, PCSO - Community Safety)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2021, 09:42:00 am »
Remember to report any suspicious e-mails that you receive to the National Cyber Security Centre by forwarding the e-mail to

Since April 2020, reports to them have led to the removal of over 84,000 malicious websites and 43,000 scams. Let’s work together to beat the scammers. #Helpingeachother #NWPCyberSafe

Please ask your family, friends and neighbours to do the same.

 Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

This weeks update on what I have been teaching in your schools!

Younger students learned about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and solvents and how to keep themselves safe at home. Students also learned about bullying including cyberbullying, and about good and bad secrets, and the importance of telling trusted adults if someone asks them to keep a secret that makes them feel uncomfortable or feel bad.

Our older students in high schools learned about safe use of the internet and the laws around the offences of taking and sending indecent images of young people under 18, an offence you may have heard referred to as “sexting”. This is a very serious offence and carries serious repercussions for those involved, but the lesson also covers how to keep young people safe from this offence, and what to do if anyone ever asks them for an indecent image.

Some of the topics may sound heavy, but it is important that our young people have this information in order to keep them safe, and to prevent them committing offences themselves. If you have children or young people in your family unit, please talk to them about these offences to build upon what they have learned in school. There is further information on the parents section of the schoolbeat cymru website

Message Sent By
PC 2458 Manus Sheridan
(North Wales Police, School Community Police Officer)

Offline SteveH

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Re: North Wales Community Alert
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2021, 10:00:49 am »
Having a diverse workforce is good news for policing because it opens up a wider range of skills and talents. What we really want is for people who are driven not just to see the difference in policing but who actively want to be the difference too.

We want to be truly reflective of the communities we serve by recruiting more people from backgrounds that are underrepresented in policing. Only when everyone in our communities can see themselves in the police will they have full confidence in us.

This is not about recruiting on the basis of ethnicity, gender, or any other characteristic. The standards required in our recruitment processes are high and are applied to everyone equally because we want the best people to join us. We want to ensure that we get applications from the best people in all of our communities, and that these people know they will be welcomed and valued.

If you have any questions about Positive Action, you can email us at

Message Sent By
Chris Perkins
(North Wales Police, Citizens in Policing Team Leader, North Wales)