Author Topic: Saved by a stranger  (Read 5411 times)

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Offline BrianP

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Saved by a stranger
« on: May 19, 2021, 01:34:32 pm »
Hello, Today I have been listening to Jeremy Vine on radio 2, about an article called 'Saved by a Stranger'. I would like to make contact with the person who saved my life around 1968 in Monmouth. His name could have been Keith Griffiths from Llandudno, he was in the Army Cadet Force on their annual Summer Camp at Monmouth. We were taken to an outdoor swimming pool, with a deep end, which I was unaware of. I found myself in the deep end and with being a non swimmer, I was splashing around, trying to stay afloat. The adult supervision was poor, and it was thought I was playing around in the water. One of the young cadets jumped in and came to my rescue. It would be lovely to be able to thank him, if he can be found. So if you know of someone by the name of Keith Griffiths, who was in the Llandudno Cadet Force around 1968, and who went on a summer camp in Monmouth, then please help me get in touch with him. Thank you.

Offline norman08

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Re: Saved by a stranger
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2021, 03:08:16 pm »
Hi Brian the only Kieth Griffiths I know from that time lived on the great Orme, I've just asked a mate and he seems to think Kieth was in the cadets round that Time, sadly he passed away a few years ago.

Offline BrianP

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Re: Saved by a stranger
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2021, 07:20:26 pm »
Not the answer I was looking for, thank you for your help.