Author Topic: Local Eyesores  (Read 733171 times)

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Offline DaveR

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #90 on: November 09, 2010, 07:13:38 pm »
I don't think so. Most of Llandudno's eyesores are freehold properties, rather than on Long Leasehold from Mostyn Estates. The Clarence, Pier Pavilion site, Tudno Castle Hotel, Railway Station Goods Yard - all freeholds. Mostyn Estates will not allow their properties to get into semi-derelict states, usually.

Offline Pendragon

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #91 on: November 09, 2010, 07:37:34 pm »
I don't think so. Most of Llandudno's eyesores are freehold properties, rather than on Long Leasehold from Mostyn Estates. The Clarence, Pier Pavilion site, Tudno Castle Hotel, Railway Station Goods Yard - all freeholds. Mostyn Estates will not allow their properties to get into semi-derelict states, usually.
Ah didn't realise sorry. All I ever hear since being in Llandudno is Mostyn Estates etc  *&(
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Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

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Offline Pendragon

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #92 on: November 13, 2010, 01:41:26 pm »
:( Fester having sat on the town council for nine years the Pier Pavillion was brought up twice,once by Roy Gambrill and once by Malcom Bullock both since lost their seats,really caring about LLandudno does not go down well on the council . ¢¢##
This is what infuriates me about the council and councillors. Half of them are only there for the expenses. (I dont mean you Wrex) When will they realise the whole point is to serve the people who pay their wages, the likes of you and me. It's always been the same, they serve themselves, and make their jobs easier by doing NAFF all.

 :rage: $smack$
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley


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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #93 on: November 13, 2010, 04:59:45 pm »
Town Councillors do not get paid, or any expenses for attending meetings.   ¢¢##

Offline Pendragon

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #94 on: November 13, 2010, 06:04:29 pm »
Town Councillors do not get paid, or any expenses for attending meetings.   ¢¢##
I meant councillors on the whole, not just the town councillors. I didn't realise the town councillors don't get paid, so what is there roll then ? I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know?  )*)&
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley


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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #95 on: November 13, 2010, 06:17:24 pm »
Take a look here and all will become clear!          <:<:<:<

Offline DaveR

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #96 on: November 13, 2010, 07:42:14 pm »
Town Councillors do not get paid, or any expenses for attending meetings.   ¢¢##
I meant councillors on the whole, not just the town councillors. I didn't realise the town councillors don't get paid, so what is there roll then ? I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know?  )*)&
That's actually a good question. I assume the formation of the Town Council was meant as a sop to Llandudno when the old Llandudno Urban District Council was abolished? Although the Town Councillors do not receive any payments, a large amount of money is spent on administration, with several members of staff doing....well, I don't know what they do all day, to be honest, as the Town Council's responsibilities and powers are so limited. I wish I could give you the exact figures as to how much is spent, but they don't seem very keen on publishing the information on their website.

I still say, scrap the lot of them and let's have an elected Mayor instead, with direct control over local services in the town.


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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #97 on: November 13, 2010, 08:02:19 pm »
A few years ago I got all the Council's accounts using the F O I  Act.   In that year much money was thrown out of the window including £5,000 on watering the hanging baskets on Mostyn Street.   A lot of money goes on Grants to local Organisations such as the Guides, Scouts, Rugby Club and other "deserving" organisations.  

A few thousand goes on Civic Sunday, a thousand or so to Town Twinning, 10K on rent to CCBC.   About another 100K on Staff Salaries, Pensions etc.    A few thousand on cleaning pathways and maintaining some communal areas, plus subsidising bog island conveniences.  That is just some of what happens to the precept they receive.

Tessa Wildermoth will supply figures if you need them but they are published every month with the Council Minutes and are available in the Public Libraries.

Offline DaveR

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #98 on: November 13, 2010, 08:14:43 pm »
About another 100K on Staff Salaries, Pensions etc.  
This is what interests me. A total budget of around £300,000, I believe, and a third of it is spent on just paying their wages, with not one penny of actual benefit to the town. How can such a large wages bill be justified? In the private sector, they would have all been out on their ear long ago.


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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #99 on: November 13, 2010, 08:30:48 pm »
The Staffing level increased by 50% a couple of years ago even though they have spent a fortune on IT equipment under the previous Town Clerk.   Toby even maintained a decent web site that was worth a visit every now and then.

I think you may find that the Precept is now a lot more than 300K.

Offline Trojan

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #100 on: November 14, 2010, 03:01:33 am »
An attractive structure befitting the town's heritage with a useful purpose would be nearer the mark.

Yes, just like Venue Cymru.

Don't you just love that "Victorian" roof? The architect must have been a chip off the old block.

Offline Ian

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #101 on: November 14, 2010, 08:44:20 am »
Don't you just love that "Victorian" roof? The architect must have been a chip off the old block.

That was itself a cost issue. A fly tower was essential, or the theatre wouldn't have attracted any half-way decent shows. But what's on show is the bare bones construction, with no attempt to integrate the style into the prevailing architecture.  To have attempted that would probably have doubled the cost.
Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know.  ― Michel de Montaigne

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Offline DaveR

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #102 on: November 14, 2010, 09:29:54 am »
Don't you just love that "Victorian" roof? The architect must have been a chip off the old block.

That was itself a cost issue. A fly tower was essential, or the theatre wouldn't have attracted any half-way decent shows. But what's on show is the bare bones construction, with no attempt to integrate the style into the prevailing architecture.  To have attempted that would probably have doubled the cost.
I was told by a senior source at VC that maintenance of the building is a nightmare, due to its not fantastic standard of construction.

Offline Ian

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #103 on: November 14, 2010, 11:35:34 am »
That's right.  It was a very 'suck and see' operation, and their main target was cost saving throughout.  Given what the mere construction of a fly tower involves, I've always thought it astonishing that we actually got one. Might not have for much longer ,if the place can't make money.
Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know.  ― Michel de Montaigne

Si hoc legere scis, nimis eruditionis habes.

Offline DaveR

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #104 on: November 14, 2010, 01:16:11 pm »
That's right.  It was a very 'suck and see' operation, and their main target was cost saving throughout.  Given what the mere construction of a fly tower involves, I've always thought it astonishing that we actually got one. Might not have for much longer ,if the place can't make money.

Maybe they should have bought the Pavilion back in 1984 when they had the chance?