Author Topic: Local Eyesores  (Read 633988 times)

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Offline norman08

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1455 on: January 03, 2021, 11:45:06 am »
I dread to think what this council are going to allow Anwyll to build on there, this council and planning dept are shocking.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1456 on: January 03, 2021, 12:12:49 pm »
They are my thoughts too Norman.    I don't know if you have seen any planning Committee meetings on line this year but the one I saw was a farce and I'll tell you about it when I see you again as it is prudent for me not to post it online
All those letters of objections are never seen by the Councillors.    The Planning Officer at CCBC  will make notes of the objections and show them only like bullet points to the Councillors

Years ago when we had a controversial application in our street we held a meeting in a resident's house and it was attended by an MP and MEP on invitation.    We then wrote two objection letters one to the CCBC and the other was delivered personally to each and every Councillor on the Planning Committee.
The developers have meetings with the Planning Officer beforehand to try and get round obstacles in their way and by the end of it are on first name terms with the Planning Officer
We were lucky that time and the application was refused

Offline norman08

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1457 on: January 03, 2021, 12:48:03 pm »
Yes I've looked on line and I've attended a few meetings at bodlondeb what an eye opener, I don't think they liked the owner of the pavilion site every time he put plans in he got knocked back, one lot I seen looked OK on the drawings, but this Waldron seems to get away with things, good job Adam was able to knock him back.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1458 on: January 03, 2021, 03:35:10 pm »
It's a shame that Adam Williams wasn't able to buy the site, Tuscons was under the Pavilion before and it was a great place to go to.


Offline Bri Roberts

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1459 on: January 03, 2021, 04:40:36 pm »
It certainly was, Hugo.

My worry is if Mr Waldron decides one day to buy the hotel next door, demolish it and submit a revised set of development plans encompassing both sites.

Offline norman08

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1460 on: January 03, 2021, 07:40:54 pm »
Can't really see that happening Brian, don't think he'd have the funds for that, more to this site than what is public. 🤔

Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1461 on: January 04, 2021, 08:47:35 am »
I think that you are right Norman,  Waldron needs outside funding to continue with his project.       Interesting comment about the site and the public            ?{}?

Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1462 on: May 27, 2021, 10:21:20 am »
Has anyone heard about any plans by Anwyl  submitting a planning application for the former Penmorfa Hotel site?

Anwyl seem to be building everywhere bar the hotel site and they had promised to submit a planning application this Summer

Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1463 on: August 11, 2021, 09:40:19 am »

Offline norman08

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1464 on: August 11, 2021, 09:55:30 am »
Hugo ccbc are useless now, over the years they have allowed Anwyll to build all over Conwy, they should have been told years ago to get building on that site,  I fear for our town with this council.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1465 on: August 11, 2021, 12:56:59 pm »
You've good reasons for fearing for the future of Llandudno if CCBC's track record is anything to go by.      Anwyl enjoyed the same perks with the Rhyl Council years ago but I'll tell you more about that when I see you next.

As for the Penmorfa Hotel site, Anwyl unexpectedly got planning application in 2006 to build 25 apartments.   Following that Beech Developments received planning application to build apartments on part of the site but subject to certain conditions.     One of those conditions being that the apartments had to fit in with the surrounding properties such as the Penmorfa Hotel.
Beech Developments did this and built an attractive apartment complex that fitted in with the surroundings.    Sadly the thoughtless action of Anwyl means that these nice apartments have been next to an untidy building site for years

While I'm on a rant have you noticed the lack of farm animals on the land at Bodafon Farm?     I'm informed that Mostyn Estates' intension is to make the land unviable for farming and to change it's use to building land, just watch this space and see how Anwyl get on with their planning application for those 49 properties

Offline norman08

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1466 on: August 11, 2021, 03:09:03 pm »
Mostyn est can't wait to get rid of the guy from the farm, them few houses will only be the start, they are not bothered about the town it's money to them, 😡, they have robbed so much off the people of this town,  Janet finch is saying she is against them houses on bodafon only because she lives up that way and they all vote for her, but she's also with Mostyns 😳, so bad here now. 😢

Offline Robbie G

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1467 on: August 12, 2021, 09:05:47 pm »
Sorry for the delay in replying to your article  and while I agree with your comments I think it is rather simplistic to blame one company .Coastal North Wales has been destroyed by various administrator's with their mass building programs , with a legacy of geriatric dormitories and havens for drug addicts and all  the problems they bring . We are now reaping the results of their mismanagement ,  hospital waiting times etc , it is estimated that Gloddaeth Avenue from Chapel Street ? to the West Shore  costs the various authorities in excess of £ 2 million for health care , reduced council tax etc.per annum , multiply this amount to the rest of the coast it is a mouth watering sum , which will not improve under the present administrators which includes Mostyn Estate`s input , that we are still allowing new build property to be marketed as leasehold is a disgrace ( Llan Jct ) .
I do feel for you Hugo over The Penmorfa site one can only hope that common sense will prevail , but I wouldn't hold my breath .

Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1468 on: August 13, 2021, 10:18:42 am »
I'm afraid that I'm a bit cynical when it comes to developers and if you don't trust them then you won't be disappointed by what they get up to.   I could say more but it's prudent for me not to do so.
They often submit applications for outline planning but then change them as we have all seen

Anwyl's attitude to the Penmorfa Hotel site and Llandudno in general is nothing short of disgusting.   Having said all that Anwyl do build good homes and Rhyl has many examples of their estates.       Mostyn Estates attitude and the leasehold scheme is beyond contempt and belongs to the distant past

You are right about the building programmes in North Wales, Rhyl and Colwyn Bay have had homes of multiple occupation for years and Llandudno has them too but they are called apartments

On another mater concerning apartments, I was talking to someone last night and was informed that work on the luxury apartment complex next to Rhos on Sea Golf Course may be coming to a halt due to certain problems


Offline Hugo

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Re: Local Eyesores
« Reply #1469 on: August 19, 2021, 08:51:53 am »
In January Anwyl said it is due to start consultations on amended proposals ahead of putting in a new planning application this summer.  But the sector has since been hit with a spike in the cost of supplies - as well as shortages for some products.
The developer says while they remain committed to developing the site that there was a need to keep it under review at this time to ensure any scheme is “viable”.

Anwyl is a "reputable company" and been in business for many years so their latest excuse is a bit lame and CCBC should be prepared for some ugly monstrosity of upwards of over 50 apartments to make it "viable"

Plans in for former Slaters of Abergele site and closed down hotel and pub The car showroom closed in 2018 while the Bee Hotel has now been shut for four years  The acquisition of the land paves the way for the biggest single scheme in Cartrefi Conwy’s history.
That should keep Anwyl busy for years to come, after all it's only 16 years since Anwyl had permission to build apartments on the Penmorfa site