I must admit that I had quite a shock when I read the NWWN today. At page 3 was the headline " Fresh plan for site of former " Alice in Wonderland hotel"
Anwyl state that they aim to begin a consultation process in the Spring with the intention to submit a full planning application for Summer 2021.
According to Anwyl the design will really complement the natural beautiful landscape upon which the site sits
I may be way off the mark but interpreting the Anwyl speak it means that they will try and fit as many apartments as possible on the site. The original application granted in about 2008 was for 28 apartments but the time limit for that expired many years ago. In recent years a Lego style building was suggested with about 54 apartments but that idea went down like a lead balloon.
Will the new building look like and have the same number of apartments as the one that application was granted for them in 2008? Will it also complement the apartments next door?