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The following ten pairs of words have three letters in common. Fill in the blank spaces to make twenty different words according to the definitions below.

. . . . can   1.   nac . . . .
. . . can .   2.   . nac . . .
. . can . .   3.   . . nac . .
. can . . .   4.   . . . nac .
can . . . .   5.   . . . . nac
can . . . .   6.   . . . . nac
. can . . .   7.   . . . nac .
. . can . .   8.   . . nac . .
. . . can .   9.   . nac . . .
. . . . can   10.  nac . . . .

LEFTRIGHT 1. The Pope's palace 1. The hue of mother-of-pearl 2. To comment at great length 2. Unperformed 3. Mysterious 3. A handcuff 4. Malicious gossip 4. An enclosed fire-place 5. To solicit orders 5. Noted river in New York state 6. A portable flask 6. Year-book 7. Scrutinised 7. A familiar vegetable 8. Emptiness 8. Threatened 9. To cheat 9. The establisher of a law10. A long-billed water bird10. Outer casing of aircraft engine


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