Author Topic: Ten years in the forum  (Read 7592 times)

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Offline Michael

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Ten years in the forum
« on: April 07, 2019, 05:57:16 am »
Hello everyone, I am just about to celebrate ten years as a member of the forum. Those were very early days. But I have a lot to thank the forum for.
 It was through the forum that in early 2010 I learnt that the counsel were looking for someone to operate the golf course in Llwynon road and the putting green in the happy valley. I was doing nothing. We had a meeting. I got the job.
  I soon found out that the putting green was no longer viable so that soon closed. But the Llwynon road golf course now named by me as the Great Orme family golf went from strength to strength I am happy to say.
 But all good things come to an end I suppose. I expect many of you will know I no longer run it. I was outbid. It is now run by a new operator.
  In previous years the council just raised the rent most years by £100 or so. Fair enough. But last October they decided to change the system. They were going to advertise that it was up for grabs to the highest and/or the most attractive bidder. And I don’t mean attractive good looking haha. No. The one who could put money into it to improve it.
  Of course I put in a bid. As far as rent goes I offered over double what I was paying in 2018. It was now a large outlay. I was reasonably confident that I would win it. But I was mistaken.someone beat me in price so I was out. Well, that’s how it goes. I couldn’t complain. But I can well and truly complain about how the council went about telling me. You bet.
  As a lot of you know I spend the winter in the Far East. Why not. My daily rent is £4 50. I don’t need heating haha in Goa. So I was away. The council knew I was away. They knew when I was coming back a few days before the end of March.
  The bidding ended at the start of March. After it was closed I waited a week. Then I enquired was I successfully. They replied they had a lot of interest (doubtful) and they were considering the applicants. They would let me know.
  There was one local golf course that had a rather vague interest and the council put me in touch with them. They suggested that I carried on running it but they would assist with the buildings. I didn’t see much point in that. What buildings? Who was going to pay the rent etc. So because I was lukewarm that fizzled out.
  Anyway we struggle through March. Several times I enquired as to whether they had made a decision. Several times I told not yet. Still evaluating.
  On a week last Thursday I started my return journey to u k.  A long bad journey which eventually took over 30 hours. No direct flights for impoverished people like me😁😁.
  But about the Wednesday of that week the council told me by email they wanted a meeting with me of Friday. If I couldn’t make it Friday, then last Monday. I said I not able to make Friday cos on that day I on my way back. O k they say. It will have to be Monday.
  On Friday afternoon as I was flying over the Arabian Sea I git an email. Sorry you have lost. The new owner takes over on Monday 1st April. That’s right. April fools day.
  What could I do? Nothing. I continued my bad journey and eventually arrived well and truly jet lagged.
   As soon as I came round on the Sunday afternoon I went to the course. There were two men doing some joinery outside the huts. I now know one of these men is the new owner.
  They immediately set about me verbally. We taking over. We help you. We help you get all your stuff out. Over and over again. I opened one shed with my key. They straight inside how can we help, get mowers out etc etc. Me: hold on, hold on. I not even got a car (I had taken it off the road whilst inaway) I come on the bus.
  They continued saying what you going to do. I continued nothing I can do immediate. And I left. In a daze. How can this be happening. I must be dreaming.
  I don’t think I slept at all that night. It not jet lag now.far more serious.
  I met three members of the council in a cafe in Colwyn bay on Monday morning. They said I must get all my stuff out immediate. No messing. Otherwise the council themselves would take it all away to the tip.
  I shot round to the auction rooms and asked them to take everything they possibly could and I hired two large vans to get up there as quick as possible. They did. A lot of the big stuff which they thought saleable like mowers, strimmers, large tools went. But there was a mountain of smaller items and hundreds of golf clubs and balls which they, correctly, thought unsaleable. They took maybe 50 clubs and said that’s it. I up all night. By now I had my car. I dumping stuff onto my daughters lawn in town in the open.
Into the night.
  Next morning early back up there to find all the locks and keys changed. Even the gate. No one there. I couldn’t get in. After a while the new man arrived. I cannot help you I too busy. Well I never asked him to help me. I could get help but I just didn’t have time. Now I couldn’t even get into the sheds. Unless he there and reluctantly let me in the new shed. I never got in the old shed which had most of my tools. Not once.
  So now onto Wednesday. Up there, still struggling. Midday council phoned. We coming at 1 30 to take everything left. In the meantime the new owner said I had enough of you. You are barred from coming through that gate.
  Oh charming. My trailer still on the course full to the brim with small stuff. The council arrive. A senior official, a large lorry and men. The lady official walks with me and we go through the gate. I tell her I barred. New man went to see me off. Probably didn’t know the lady official.
  I just jumped in my car drove in hitched the trail and got out by the skin of my teeth and that was the end.
  I better explain how this happened. When I first arrived nine years ago I bought clubs and balls off the previous man. Stored in the shed. But I did know that my licence ran from April 1 and October 31. And I did vaguely know I should empty everything each winter. But I thought it just in small print. No one would bother. But of course as the business grew, so did all the equipment. I had everything, purchased over the years. Like a water bowser and pumps in drought. Lost them
  So that’s it. Thanks for reading all this.

Offline Michael

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2019, 06:01:16 am »
I forgot to add. On the Friday I phoned council from Abu Darby and told them where I was. They replied they didn’t work on Saturday or Sunday. So in effect the new owner had taken over before I could even put one foot on the course to remove my property

Offline hollins

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2019, 08:25:53 am »
So very sad to wake up this morning and read that story Ormegolf.
Best wishes to you.

Offline Robbie G

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2019, 11:39:55 am »
Sorry to hear about your problems with CCBC and I sympathise with you , I have been dealing with them for over 30yrs over various issues and there is only one winner , namely CCBC . I have even taken legal advice ( expensive £ 2,000 ) there is only one winner ,we have a system which is archaic to say the least .and its not going to change any time soon .

Offline Hugo

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2019, 12:44:30 pm »
I'm sorry to hear that Ormegolf,  you have built that course up to become one of the top tourist attractions in Llandudno and this must have come like a kick in the teeth for all your efforts over the years.
I know that everything comes to an end some day, but it's the manner in which they have done it which is hurtful.
When I have been up there I have seen you let the children play on the course all day without charging them any extra for the privilege and provided free snacks for them at the same time
I doubt if the new owner will do the same or put in the hours that you did so we'll wait and see what happens there

Offline Michael

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2019, 02:38:07 pm »
There is another thing that makes this situation an absolute nightmare for me. Every year I go to Goa in the winter. It is still very cheap and save on gas and electric in u k. Thatbalone well and truly pays the rent on my small apartment.
  But of course I spend. And every year around March I come to the end of my cash. Doesent matter. I open the golf and take money. By June all back to normal.
  Also this year I paid for surgery on my inside lower jaw. I been on waiting list in u k for 18 months and have not even had a examination by specialist. In Goa dental surgeons say they could fix it in two weeks. I won’t go into details but I had several chocking incidents and I thought one day I could choke to death. So —- I said go ahead. The total cost £1000. But it done.
  So I arrived back completely pennyless.
   Oh dear what can the matter be. From an anchient poem.

Offline Fester

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2019, 10:38:38 pm »
Mike, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, I’d say you’ve been treated very shabbily by those WE employ to serve the public.  They tend to forget that.
I doubt very much that the new encumbents will make any money. I believe that they must have looked at your posts and tweets and concluded that there is a fortune to be made on that golf course.
Now, more importantly, I strongly suspect that the decision to go to tender might have been spurious.
Why would the new operators suddenly have all this expensive equipment ready within  a day or two of winning the tender?
Perhaps a freedom of information request might bring an investigation into who instigated the tender, and why?
At the very least I expect that a written complaint to the leader of the council into how you have been treated should get the situation addressed.
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Offline Michael

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2019, 11:26:01 am »
I now off to the auction rooms. I go because I don’t know where my main toolbox is. It might be there. Or it might be still up the Orme.
  It’s going to be very hard going in there. I don’t suffer with stress. But I shaking all the time, day and night.
  If the toolbox there I may bid for it myself. I don’t know. But I do know I will be upset. Already people take photos of my stuff. I’ve seen one I think on Facebook.
 It shows my replica penny farthing and the poster and picture of the Orme Golf. I seem to remember the whole lot cost me about £200.
   Should I go to the auction to maybe answer questions from bidders. I don’t know. I don’t want to make fool of myself with tears.
  I’ve managed to delete my website. But I haven’t as yet managed to get it off facebook

Offline DaveR

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2019, 12:06:23 pm »
Sorry to hear this, Mike, I know you put a tremendous amount of hard work into making the course a success.

Offline Merddin Emrys

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2019, 01:46:24 pm »
Terrible how this happened, I've seen the mowers and bike at the auction just now, so unfair after all of your hard work.
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Offline Hugo

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2019, 03:10:58 pm »
Terrible how this happened, I've seen the mowers and bike at the auction just now, so unfair after all of your hard work.

Isn't that theft, whichever way you dress CCBC's action?

Offline Michael

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2019, 05:42:38 pm »
Fester. In one remark I think you may possible opened a can of worms.
  And just before I goi in to that I would mention that someone congratulatednthe new owner on winning the tender on Wednesday. Two days before I was told.48 hours more for me to get my stuff out.
  But all this expensive gear.out of the new operators mouth.weve “ notive the we””  have been collection the equipment for some time. No we don’t want buy your clubs. Nor balls, nor flags, not even for the nine holes. No we don’t want anything.
  Rather strange shall we say that some man who either lives or has lived on the Orme had such a collection in his back shed.

Offline Fester

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2019, 06:35:59 pm »
Can open, worms everywhere!
- Semper in Excretum, Sole Profundum Variat -

Offline norman08

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2019, 07:01:11 pm »
Shocking the way you have been treated ormegolf , you say you upped your price to get this seasons tender something fishy going on especially if these new ones have all the equipment before they got the tender, mind you what do we expect off this council.

Offline snowcap

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Re: Ten years in the forum
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2019, 09:09:36 pm »
So sorry to hear your bad news mike, i have a few bags of balls that are no longer going to a good home. I,m going to miss our chats when i am staying at my daughters house. It,s the last time I,ll hit a ball on that cource. I wish you all the best for the future, take care Friend, I just hope the chap who has taken over has a nightmare of a time getting it to pay. Brian.