Just food for thought; I wonder if Scotland would have voted the same way if Nicola Sturgeon and her Nationalist Party with their independence agenda had not been gifted power by the ineffectual and failed policies of previous Labour administrations. England makes up 83.9% of the population of the UK where as Scotland makes up only 8.4%. The tail never wags the dog.
Blongb - just arrived back from a couple of days in Llandudno. Bit disappointed with the xmas fair - wasn't much of the Christmas atmosphere evident.
extending your fine point - England is the most under represented of the four UK home countries. That is, Scotland, Wales and NI all have their regional assemblies. Using the figure you've provided above for Scotland, England should have approximately 10 regional assemblies. If they all got the same TV exposure as Scotland on TV in England there would be no time left for any other programmes.
I wonder what the ratio is for Wales and NI?
I often wish that we could have a referendum in England about independence from the UK - the response might surprise a few of the regional extremities!