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Offline SteveH

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2505 on: November 16, 2023, 10:34:33 am »
Dangerous quarry footpath in Conwy 'extinguished' due to cliff erosion
The path had been part of a circular route near Eglwysbach

A dangerous quarry footpath has been ?extinguished? from use by Conwy?s licensing committee. At a licensing committee meeting at Bodlondeb this week, councillors heard how the natural erosion made the footpath near Eglwysbach unsafe.

Consequently, the committee voted for an alternative route to take the place of the footpath under the Highways Act. Footpath number seven takes walkers along a narrow edge on the western side of a disused quarry, terminating at the junction with Gyffylog Road


Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2506 on: November 30, 2023, 12:43:43 pm »
I have walked along part of the disused railway track from Prestatyn to Dyserth many times but I have never actually walked on the section of the line that goes from Prestatyn to the St Melyd Golf Course.      So when I met Tellytubby on Wednesday it gave me the chance to walk that section of the track.
At the start of the walk we could see  the original signal box which is now fenced off to the public and for about 200 yards the original track is overgrown but it then becomes an excellent tarmac path that is perfect for walkers and cyclists alike.  On a very small section of the path the rails are still visible which was nice to see,  The second road bridge that the railway ran under was a fine example and typical of Victorian architecture and the arched brickwork was a credit to the workmen.
After a short stretch the path straightened out and went behind a number of large expensive houses before reaching the St Melyd Golf Club.   We then left the track and turned left and walked across the course and then went up a steep hillside in Bishop's Wood until we reached the Fish Cave.   It's actually an old lead mine and the area is littered with these lead mines.    It's known that the Romans mined here for lead nearly 2000  years ago.   I went inside the mine for about 40 yards but didn't explore any further as there was a lot of water flowing inside  and my waterproof trainers seemed to be letting some water in.!
The it was onwards and upwards until we came to the ruins of Pant Y Fachwen, which was built over 200 years ago and was home to the miners who worked in the nearby lead mines.
The views from the ruins are breathtaking and we could see the coast from Prestatyn to Llandudno as well as the scattering on snow on the Carneddau mountains.
We sat in the ruins and had our refreshments there until it was time to move on and we took a diagonal path downhill and ended up in a lane in the area called the Bryniau.   On our way down from there, a magnificent looking Buzzard flew overhead and landed on a telegraph pole but it didn't stay long enough for either of us to take its photo.
Towards the end of the lane we came to a bridge where the old railway used to cross it and we left the lane to do the return journey back on the disused railway track.   Some people may recognise the bridge as the one that featured on the film On the buses but Tellytubby has a special memory of it as he was sitting on his garden wall which was nearby as they were filming the double decker bus. He also revealed to me that his mother had told him that Reg Varney had called at his house and asked to use the toilet!
From the bridge we had an easy walk back to Tellytubby's house and we passed another old railway building on route and part of it has been converted into a very nice cafe but we didn't stop for a coffee as we had noticed very dark rain clouds heading our way.     Luckily the rain held off until I got into my car so the timing was perfect.
It was a very nice walk but more importantly friends getting out together again.   

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2507 on: November 30, 2023, 12:49:17 pm »
Prestatyn to Dyserth disused railway track and also the Prestatyn hillside

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2508 on: November 30, 2023, 12:59:27 pm »
Prestatyn to Dyserth disused railway track and Prestatyn hillside

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2509 on: December 30, 2023, 01:32:11 pm »
The epic North Wales walk where you can start and finish with a pint
The route starts and finishes at the pub - perfect for a New Year weekend walk, but perhaps not this New Year because the weather forecast is shocking

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2510 on: January 11, 2024, 12:22:15 pm »
After a very long spell of wet weather we were just glad to be able to get out and have a walk together on Wednesday    The ground would have been quite wet and boggy so instead we opted for a walk on a road and pathway.    The walk we decided to do was along Lon Las Ogwen which is part of the Slate Trail and the section we chose to do was from the Ogwen Cottage to the Ogwen Bank Caravan Park in Bethesda .     It's roughly a four mile walk but downhill all the way thank goodness and we used two cars.    One was left by the Caravan park and the other we drove to Ogwen Cottage and when we arrived there, there were plenty of parking spaces and I wasn't surprised either.   Firstly it was a bitterly cold day and the wind chill factor made it seem much colder, also the cost of parking was six pounds!
Anyway first of all we made a short detour along the A5 as we wanted to see the small packhorse Bridge that remains under a bridge that Thomas Telford built when he was making the A5 road.  The bridge is at the base of the very impressive Pen Yr Ole Wen but it's a good few years since I've climbed up there but I always enjoyed going up that particular mountain.
We only stayed there long enough to take a few photos as it was too cold to hang about and we went back to the Ogwen Cottage to start the walk.    It's a single track tarmac lane and after just a short walk you come to a viewpoint that has spectacular views of the Nant Ffrancon Valley and the nearby mountain ranges of the Carneddau and Glyderau.    We continued downhill and came to a cottage that was featured last week on the drama series Mr Bates Vs the Post Office and started taking photos of it when the owner of the property came out and I had a nice chat with him.  Apparently Mr Bates has never lived there it was just done under artistic licence for the TV and the TV  pictures from inside the cottage were actually taken n a film set.   Nevertheless it made fantastic viewing and exposed the Post Office for what it did to the lives of many people.
This area may look beautiful but it's bleak, remote and hostile at times and the owner of the cottage said that one Winter because of the snow and ice  it was two weeks before he could get out to the A5.
We could well believe that because although we all had Winter gear on it was so cold that we couldn't hang about for too long but we did see the ruins of an old building on the hillside and sheltered in the ruins while we had a hot drink and something to eat.  After about 15 minutes it was time to move on and we followed the tarmac lane until we left it to continue along the Lon Las Ogwen track.    Even then we had to be careful as the area where the gate was was like a sheet of ice.     Before long we saw the piles of slate waste from Penrhyn Quarry and walked alongside the Afon Ogwen and stopped for a while to see the waters of the river cascading over the rocks.   Then it was just a short walk back to our car and then we drove back to the Ogwen and then returned home.   
We had a nice walk and it was just good to be out and about with friends again

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2511 on: January 11, 2024, 12:29:20 pm »
Ogwen Cottage to Bethesda walk

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2512 on: January 11, 2024, 12:34:27 pm »
Ogwen Cottage to Bethesda walk

Offline SteveH

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2513 on: January 11, 2024, 12:52:13 pm »
Great travelogue again, the bridge in the first group of photos is unusual, do you know why?

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2514 on: January 11, 2024, 04:18:55 pm »
Is it because there appears to be no Keystone in the arch?

Offline Hammy

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2515 on: January 11, 2024, 05:56:53 pm »
Had a great walk up Yr Wyddfa from the Ranger Station yesterday with some old workmates. It was wonderful (although cold) up to about 2700 ft, then the cloud and frost closed in. Myself and a couple of others turned back about 300/400m walk from the summit, two others carried on but had to give up about 100m short as they could not make any further progress- their poles were fully employed holding them upright against the wind (about 60 mph)!

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2516 on: January 11, 2024, 10:53:49 pm »
That's a good walk Hammy and you did the wise thing by turning back when the situation gets tricky, remember there's always another day to do the walk.
Yesterday was really bad for us and we were in the valley so I can just imagine how bad it must have been for you on that exposed ridge.
When we were driving back to the Ogwen Cottage yesterday there was a search and rescue  helicopter circling around Pen Yr Ole Wen and appeared to be looking for someone and it may be the person mentioned in the attached photo
I was told by the guy who lived in the cottage where Mr Bates was filmed that Tuesday was even worse weather wise so I hope that the rescue team found him safe and well
Why don't you post your walks on here with some photos as I'm sure that many forum members would love to see the photos and hear about your walks

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2517 on: January 12, 2024, 11:02:29 pm »
This is an update on the missing person,    The weather up there is extremely hostile so I hope that he's found safe and well

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2518 on: January 13, 2024, 01:36:36 pm »
'Praying for a miracle' as Snowdonia teams battle 'hazardous' conditions in search for missing man
Drones and helicopters are due to be deployed today as the search enters a fourth day

I was only walking in the Nant Ffrancon valley on Wednesday and the wind chill was horrendous and we could see the clouds covering the mountain tops and a scattering of snow there too.
Hammy who was walking near the summit of Snowdon had to turn back because of the atrocious conditions on the mountains and that was the wisest thing to do.   There's always another day to do a walk

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #2519 on: January 14, 2024, 11:36:28 am »
These photos are from a facebook posting and were taken on Snowdon this week.     It gives you an idea of how bad the conditions are on the mountains at present