Author Topic: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles  (Read 17417 times)

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Offline mull

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Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« on: March 20, 2014, 10:41:00 am »
I believe there are 3 books on the history of Penrhynside.

Is it still possible to get hold of them ? Trying to find information on my family.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 02:03:56 pm »
Mull, there are books written by Kenneth Dibble on Penrhynside,  Bodafon and Rhiwledyn but I don't think they are available anywhere.  Somewhere on the forum under Genealogy and Research a librarian from Penrhyn Bay said that they knew the author and would approach him to see if any copies could be made of the books.
I don't remember if there was any outcome to this but sadly Kenneth Dibble passed away in recent years.     From memory something was said about it under the heading "Harris Family" but I'm not 100 per cent sure.
I've read the booklets at the Conwy Archives and they are very good indeed with many details of people and life in years gone by

Offline mull

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2014, 05:41:57 pm »
Thanks Hugo,

You say you have read them at Conway archives. Are these copies kept there for reference and available for anyone to view ?

Not been to Llandudno for a while but will make an effort this year. Time has been taken up training a new search dog ready for assessment Has been great fun in the weather this winter, NOT.
Spring is coming.....Slowly.

Offline Cambrian

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2014, 07:04:34 pm »
Yes, the Penrhynside is covered in a series of three books which are an excellent resource for family historians.  In addition to those mentioned by Hugo, he also wrote one on Nant Y Gamar.  For those unfamiliar with the format, Ken identifies all the dwellings from early times and gives the history of each including all the inhabitants and what happened to them.

They are quite difficult to obtain now and other than a dozen or so which he gave to the late Dafydd Hughes to sell I don't believe they were retailed generally. Very occasionally the odd one appears in one of the local second hand book shops - or you could try the online site Abe Books.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2014, 07:24:30 pm »
Mull,  Yes those books are there for anyone to see and you don't have to be a member to go to the Archives.  All you have to do is ring the bell and then go in and sign in.
The staff are very helpful and will show you where  the books are, they are certainly worth a read for anyone who has a connection with that area.

Offline jom

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2014, 08:49:34 pm »
I too had previously tried to obtain these and am the person who was told the library may help linking to Mr Dibble.  As Hugo mentioned he sadly died last year.

I was however able to obtain photocopies at a cost as they are not copyrighted.  I believe I got them through the Gwynedd Family History Society Library found at  All my contact was via email as I am in NZ.

There are in fact a total of 4 books. 

Rhiwledyn and the Little Orme  - Library No 668
Penrhynside  - Houses and Families Parts 1 and 2  - Library No not marked but probably 665 or 669
Bodafon and Pant y Wennol  - Library No 667
Nant y Gamar  - Library No 666

They were copied and posted to me. 

Hope this helps

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2014, 08:59:51 pm »
Who is the family and where were they. perhaps I could help a little

Offline mull

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2014, 01:31:24 am »
Hugh Hughes , Cobbler/shoe repairer lived at Tan Y Wal.
Think there is an Anglesey connection somewhere.
Grace Ellen Jones lived there in late 1940s/1950s.

Ivor Shields, lived in Mount Pleasant 1950s.

Any information on these please.

Offline jom

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2014, 03:31:13 am »
Have managed to find the following excerpts from "Penrhynside Part 2" By Ken Dibble

Hope this helps
See following posting

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2014, 03:35:36 am »
Occupants of Tan y Wal

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2014, 03:37:21 am »
Shields Family of Mount Pleasant

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2014, 03:39:06 am »
Snippet on Shields Family at Saron Cottages

Offline acati

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2014, 06:56:14 pm »
Sorry to gate crash!  :) But I was wondering if you had the rest of the pages on Saron Villas?  $thanx$

Offline mull

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2014, 11:07:24 am »
Jom, thanks for putting the extracts on the site. Had a busy weekend so far and when I get a chance will look at it. I think I am a long way away in Mull but to get information sent from New Zealand is something else. Once again thanks very much.

Hugo, Thanks also for your information. I have been digging around in some papers and photos my father left and looks like my Nains family lived in Brookes Street in early 1900s.
Hope to visit Llandudno sometime this year

Offline jom

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Re: Penrhynside, Books by Kenneth Dibbles
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2014, 04:31:04 am »
hi acati,

Yes will put them up as soon as I can.  running short on time just at the moment but won't be long $good$

Hi Mull,
You're welcome.  It's great to be able to return a favour.  Hugo has been VERY good to me and it's great to repay one way or another