Hi there Hugo,
wow many thanks for your researches, i believe you have got the correct info.
im not permanently on internet so sorry i was a bit long getting back to you.
so the info on harold is intersting stuff for me because i knew he had existed but nothing else apart from he died, where and when i had no idea except infancy. so lovely to see the pics. and the fact that isabelle (yes Emma) is also in st tudnos. ishmael died in New york, and is buried there as you mentioned in the utheran cemetry he lived in the bronx in the federal 1910 census.
he went back and forth from Llandudno to first colorado. (he and emma married there). i dont know if they knew each other previously or before they went there. first around 1888 they were married in 1890. then later Ishmael moved to new york. (following a falling out with his two brotheres Ted and Robert hughes. that i have no info on at all.
Emma returned to live in Llandudno and ran boarding houses/hotels starting off in ellerslea i think.
So harold was born in Llandudno, i wasnt too sure, about that at all. great find !
i had thought the 1871 census may have been my ishmael (he was born in Bolton Greater Manchester, but i would imagine the family is welsh in origin, my nain margaret, used to tell me they were from the tudors/Hughes of Mon; but that could be a little OTT and wishful thinking !!! and its the memory of mine as a youngster her telling me).
by 1907 they had moved from ellerslea to 4 mostyn crescent and it was called quorn house. 1911 census show margaret there, with the housemaid, and her mother emma was actually visiting her parents in shropshire at the date of the census. and in 1926 Emmas last will and testament, said she was living at quorn Villa, Trinity street. (the solicitors address was tringity street /sq so i am not sure if she moved houses and used the name quorn again and or if its still mostyn crescent.
i have just recently attended my father funeral and managed to get some oldish photos of Emma, and possibly ishmaels parents taken in Llandudno at a place called Baron Hill Llandudno is written on the back of it. of a mr and mrs robert hughes, and the info i was given was that somehow, he (the father of ishmael) was involved in its building. so looking into that is how i found myself on this forum!!!
so i think i shall post this, my computer is going to run out of battery, and re read the infos you sent me, and see what else i can share.
so hughes family living in Llandudno hunting the census recs for a robert hughes, without much else knowledge i gave up because that is guesswork at this moment. but i do see there was a baron hill in Llandudno.
be back soon;
thanks Karen