Author Topic: Tudno F M  (Read 53439 times)

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2011, 04:20:52 pm »
Must confess that I've never listened to Tudno FM.   I'm a Radio 4 person myself.

Offline Fester

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2011, 04:24:29 pm »
I listern quite a bit to Tudno FM via the internet (in between Radio Free Texas) I like the Irish fella, can't remember his name. Where is it broadcast from is it near Asda?

The Irish fella - Martin Ward. Really nice guy.

I kind of went off him a bit when he was talking about a Government "tink tank".

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  _))* _))* _))*  L0L L0L L0L
- Semper in Excretum, Sole Profundum Variat -

Offline Trojan

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2011, 01:19:58 am »
I listern quite a bit to Tudno FM via the internet (in between Radio Free Texas) I like the Irish fella, can't remember his name. Where is it broadcast from is it near Asda?

The Irish fella - Martin Ward. Really nice guy.

I kind of went off him a bit when he was talking about a Government "tink tank".

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  _))* _))* _))*  L0L L0L L0L

 $lol$ $lol$ $lol$ $lol$ $lol$

Offline Trojan

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2011, 02:19:57 am »
Attempted to listen to Tudno FM on my computer today, but all I could hear was a "white noise" sound.  :roll:

Anyone else having trouble?

Offline Michael

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2011, 12:16:47 pm »
Am I right in saying that you were trying to listen to TudnoFM at across the Atlantic? If so, the general location is O.K. because, until a week or so ago, a regular presenter did two hours every Sunday afternoon, she was American living in Rhos, but she constantly sent messages to her friends in the U.S.A. and they responded. Mike

Offline Trojan

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2011, 06:07:29 pm »
Am I right in saying that you were trying to listen to TudnoFM at across the Atlantic? If so, the general location is O.K. because, until a week or so ago, a regular presenter did two hours every Sunday afternoon, she was American living in Rhos, but she constantly sent messages to her friends in the U.S.A. and they responded. Mike

Yes, across the Atlantic and further. I'm on the west coast.

Still have no luck today.

Offline DaveR

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2011, 06:15:15 pm »
It's just white noise for me too. The fact that its been like that all day and only Trojan has noticed shows how many people listen to it!  :P

Offline DaveR

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2011, 06:23:20 pm »
I have sent them a Tweet to let them know.  ;)

Offline Trojan

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2011, 09:25:10 pm »
It seems to be working now.  $happy$

I was just about to forward the link to the CIA in Washington.

That white noise would have been handy for interrogation purposes.


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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #39 on: May 31, 2011, 02:02:14 am »
It matters not what the Tudno FM studios look like, or how good and professional the equipment looks. What matters is what comes out of the speakers in our homes and workplaces and in our cars. Content, content, content, with a complete focus on the very reason Tudno FM was brought into being with hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money, namely, the 'Community'.

Tudno Fm are not delivering the 'Social Gain' it could and should. It's there to give a 'voice' to the 'Community', to give the 'Community' a platform on which to bring about change for the better for the many and not the few. To champion various causes, to stimulate debate and involve all sides in those debates. That is simply not happening anything like it could and should be. The result being, the 'Community' is losing out.

Tudno Fm belongs to the 'Community', it's theirs, they own it, it's part of them, their everyday. It's there to afford opportunity to bring about change, to make the town a better place. So many people on this forum, and within the 'Community' don't even know it exists. If they do, they don't know where it is, and why is that? It's because they are not working at it, they have lost sight of the Vision of 'Community Radio', why it exists in the first place. Run correctly, Tudno Fm should be putting all other radio stations which are receivable in the town, in the shade, blowing them out of the water. The potential to do that is huge, but they can't or won't see that.

I know they are volunteers, and many who run it put a lot of hours in, and they are to be thanked for it, thank God for them. But they need to understand the principle and vision of 'Community Radio'. Tudno Fm is not a success story, far from it. But it could be hugely successful with more thought about programming and more emphasis on the very reason they exist, the 'Community'. Those who run it are only limited by imagination and ideas. There's nothing they can't do if they put their mind to it. But they have to start listening to genuine people who give ideas in order to help.

You only get out of something what you put into it. Please Tudno FM, put the 'Community' at the forefront of every second of your programming, involve them, give the 'Community' their voice, that platform on which to be heard. Rock the boat, ask difficult questions, put those who run the town, the councils, 'On The Spot', embarrass them if you have to, niggle them if you must, don't be afraid to go for the jugular. And for God's sake open your telephone lines for the 'Community' to talk 'LIVE ON THE AIR'. Let's hear the actual voices of the 'Community'.

Let's hear the voice of Mrs Jones from Cwm Place, or Mr Hughes from West Parade. All we hear are the voices of the presenters, or the voices of the occasional person who comes in for interview. Bring about some heated debates about 'Community' issues. Stimulate debate, provoke responses from all sides, bring people together whilst staying in the middle. You have it in your power to do so much good. You have the equipment to bring that about. But you must summon up the will, the want, the desire and the passion to do that. You can do it, you really can. Stand up, be strong, be outgoing and forthright in your attitude. Don't be scared to take risks, to rattle a cage or two. Believe me, if you can do that you will thank me for pushing you, the 'Community' will thank you for standing up for them. They will get behind you like you never thought possible. You are the 'Community'. The 'Community' is you.

Tudno FM are struggling for money, just like many other Community Radio Stations. But I promise you, if they change their focus, and do as I suggest, then the 'Community' will come good and get behind them as never before. Tudno Fm should tell the 'Community' if they are struggling to survive in any way. Talk to them, ask the 'Community' for help, in whatever way, and providing Tudno FM are providing a service that is bringing about Social Gain and change for the better, then the support of the whole 'Community' will embrace, help and support them, no problem.

Thank you one and all in Tudno Fm for what you have done up to now, and for the giving of your time. But it's now time for change. Time to take the station to where it needs to be, at the very heart of our 'Community'. You can do it, really you can. But you have to listen, and accept that change must come about. No time like the present.

Offline Bri Roberts

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2011, 07:03:43 am »
FYI, I have harboured a similar view for quite some time but I did not want to be accused of being negative.

Tudno FM has significant potential but it needs to definitely change if it wants to become the radio channel of choice within our home.

Offline DaveR

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2011, 08:24:38 am »
I agree completely with Waffagolf. I remember posting on here when we had the heavy snow around Christmas time that it would have been an ideal opportunity for Tudno FM to be broadcasting constant snippets of news about road/school closures etc...but they didnt even have a presenter, it was just back to back music, like someone had loaded up a CD player and gone out for the day. That was very disappointing. It's run by volunteers, yes, but they have received many hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of funding so should be able to do better.

Fact is, we provide far more local news and views on this Forum than can be found on Tudno FM.

Offline Bri Roberts

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2011, 08:31:31 am »
I agree completely with Waffagolf. I remember posting on here when we had the heavy snow around Christmas time that it would have been an ideal opportunity for Tudno FM to be broadcasting constant snippets of news about road/school closures etc...but they didnt even have a presenter, 

Did you post that DaveR?

I thought it was me.  :o

Offline Ian

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Re: Tudno F M
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2011, 10:12:31 am »
Fact is, we provide far more local news and views on this Forum than can be found on Tudno FM.

They probably need to move to remote broadcasting. Many folk might be prepared to broadcast from home, and it's perfectly feasible.
Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know.  ― Michel de Montaigne

Si hoc legere scis, nimis eruditionis habes.