Author Topic: Questions about people  (Read 57270 times)

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Offline Jelly Baby

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Re: Questions about people
« Reply #75 on: August 01, 2015, 07:21:17 am »
Well, I was 7 years old when I left Penrhynside for that huge metropolis down the road - Llandudno, so that would have been 9 or 10 years before he died, so he would indeed have seemed quite ancient to me at the time!
I don't remember the spitting though! I would have been quite shocked!  :o
But I do know Sea View on Pendre Road very well!  ;D

Offline mull

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Re: Questions about people
« Reply #76 on: August 01, 2015, 10:28:02 am »
Spent many holidays at Tan Y Wal from the late 1940s until about 1960.
At that time my Nain was housekeeper for Uncle Huw the cobbler. After becoming ill she then came to stay with us in Liverpool.
Remember I used to spend a lot of time going around with Ivor Shields who lived on Mount Pleasant and we we spent many days at Lido swimming pool Deganwy and Rhos on sea pool.
Anyone on here remember Ivor Shields ? He was the same age as me born either the day before or after me.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Questions about people
« Reply #77 on: August 01, 2015, 10:43:11 am »
That's a name from the past!       I went to John Bright Grammar School and I can vaguely remember that name from somewhere.    If he's the  person I'm thinking of he would be about 69 or 70 now.    I didn't know him personally so have never had any contact with him either.

Offline mull

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Re: Questions about people
« Reply #78 on: August 01, 2015, 09:21:51 pm »
Another blast from the past.
Remember Ivor and I going to watch Dam Busters film, ( Released in 1955 ) on a very warm night.
Film was on at the Palladium and we watched it from the "gods".
When we came out can remember talking to the crew on a Toastrack waiting for another tram coming off the Mostyn Street single line. Still light so must have been July/August time.
After getting off the tram at Penrhynside went for Chips from the Fish and Chip shop opposite the Cross Keys.

Offline Jelly Baby

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Re: Questions about people
« Reply #79 on: August 05, 2015, 11:33:15 am »
I remember Ivor well. He was a lot older than me; he lived next door to us in Mt Pleasant. His parents were Walter and Edie. He was a nice lad!  $good$

Offline Jelly Baby

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Re: Questions about people
« Reply #80 on: August 05, 2015, 11:38:54 am »
Mull, you sound as if you knew Huw the cobbler quite well. Did he live or have his shop (or both?) up the laneway off Bryn Gwynt Lane? I remember going there many times but I can't find it on Google maps and it looks as if all that area has been built over. In fact some of the houses there look very "South of France" posh!!  8)
Did you by any chance remember Brian Tench from further up Mt Pleasant (#8 or #10, I think!) I used to do shopping for his Mum.

Offline mull

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Re: Questions about people
« Reply #81 on: August 05, 2015, 09:26:22 pm »
I am away in North Yorkshire at the moment staying with my son.
Will be back on Mull either late Sunday or Monday.
Will put a bit more on the site then.
Remember Ivors sister winning a beauty contest at the Deganwy lido. That would have been mid 1950s.
Would like to know if Ivor is still around.