Ha ha ... Mike, first of all, the vessel in Llandudno Bay is nothing to do with the wind farm.
Instead it is a temporary lodging for some divers who are here to clear the area underneath the Pier Landing Stage.
Apparently there is so much rubbish, (and even a sizeable chunk of the pier) just off the end that the steamers would have insufficient draught to dock.
Local fisherman will also be delighted as they lose so much expensive tackle and have endless snags to cut free.
Born to Run, your left-wing ranting holds no concern for me.

I think you will find that it is a treasurers job to do three things.
1, Ensure sufficient funds are raised.
2, Ensure bills and outgoings are met,
3, Ensure the monies are safe, and a healthy balance maintained.
Seeing as I deprived you of your subscriptions last night, and still hold them in my sticky mitts, I would say that I am doing a hell of a job, D) D)