DaveR said :
"Why someone from the Town Council cant just walk up and down Mostyn Street, make a note of the problems, and then pass the list on to the maintenance people, I don't know?"Come, come Dave, of course you know, just as we all do!
They are just a load of inefficient, unconcerned, apathetic, indifferent, uninterested bunch of tossers, who get themselves elected on false promises and then do absolutely b****r all for the Community. Many of them cannot even keep up a reasonable attendance record at Council Meetings. Z**
And you expect them to make notes? - Probably they are incapable of even stringing two words together on a piece of paper and will want fancy electronic memo recorders if we expect such from them. )*)&
The whole bunch need sacking, a class of first year infants could do better! D)
Though I would add a post script - I do belive there is one who deserves a pat on the back! No names though!